Studies on Healthier SG Experience
Studies on Healthier SG Experience
MOH has commissioned various user research projects to understand and continually improve different aspects of our residents’ Healthier SG journey. Depending on the aspect being studied, this may involve one-to-one interviews, surveys, observations, and focus group discussions with the recruited participants.
Residents who have enrolled in Healthier SG have provided consent to be contacted by MOH and its authorised agents to be invited for Healthier SG-related research studies. If you are eligible for and interested in participating in the resident research study, the agent will seek your further consent for interviews, surveys, observations and/or focus group discussions. Participation is voluntary and does not affect your enrolment in Healthier SG. Residents do not need to participate in the Healthier SG research studies, and can choose to do so only if interested.
Please see below for the ongoing studies authorised by MOH.
If you have concerns about whether the study is valid, please contact the phone numbers listed below or the MOH General Line (6325 9220).
Research Study IC on Healthier SG User Experience, conducted by Verian Singapore
If you have questions or concerns about this study, please contact the Verian team at 9869 7554 (Verian hotline).
Research Study IC on Healthier SG Health Plan, conducted by Synapxe, with support from Temus and UX Consulting
Ms Karthieswari Baskar – 8155 2105;
Mr Raven Chai – 9338 1464;
Ms Tessie Tan – 9235 2271; tessie.tan@temus.comPersonnel from Synapxe and Synapxe’s appointed vendors, i.e. Temus and UX Consulting, will only use the contact numbers and email address listed above to contact you about the study. If you have questions or concerns about this study, please contact Ms Karthieswari Baskar at 8155 2105 or
As the security of your personal data is of the utmost priority, the necessary data protection safeguards have been implemented. These agents will ensure that all personal data collected are kept strictly confidential under the data privacy regulations stipulated under the Personal Data Protection Act (Singapore), and will be used only for the purposes of the studies as stipulated in the consent/participant agreement forms.